Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ta Da!

I finally finished this bastardy scarf! But it's a gift for my mom, so it was worth it....

And here are my baby herbs. Well, they aren't really babies anymore...they're more like surly teenagers who reeeeeally need their own big kid pots.

You know, I have stuff to talk about, but I just don't feel like going there right now. I think that it's the thought of Mother's Day looming-- I'm just trying to keep busy. I taught myself to crochet this weekend....I'm making a purse...whooptie-do.


Catherine said...

Distraction is a perfect friend when you need it. :o)

kate said...

I second the distraction! Actually from very early in my grief i found crafts to be very healing. So i think you are doing good. Mother's day sucks.

And your basil looks alot alot better than mine, i am jealous! Of course i should have potted mine up a good month ago...it is still in it's flat...i will probably just give up on it and sow seeds...

msfitzita said...

I'm loving those baby herbs - and that scarf is awesome!!

Crochet must be the healing art of the bereaved. I taught myself just before I had my first miscarriage, and did a whole lot of it this past year after I lost Thomas. It's very therapeutic, even though it really DOES make you feel old, doesn't it? :)