Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hey There.

And somehow, three more months have slipped by without a word from me. B. turned eight months old today. I seriously blame this on the fact that it's only been a few weeks that he's been sleeping more than two hours at a time at night. Yup. I was still nursing him every two hours when he was seven months old. I didn't get the memo that you weren't supposed to do that. Every time he cried, I put a boob in his face and I created a little monster in the process. So that's why I dropped off the face of the planet. Now that I'm getting six consecutive hours of sleep (!), I need to get into the habit of writing again. And I want to get caught up with everyone, too. I wonder if anyone is still stopping by...


Kendra's mom said...

Hey, there yourself! I have you on bloglines so as soon as you post I see it! Glad to hear things are going well and you are getting a bit more sleep. Ben looks gorgeous. Hope to hear some more about him...

Anonymous said...

Still checking in and glad to hear things are well. I know what you mean by creating a non-sleeping monster. Kam was the same way...

Ben is soooo cute!

SWH said...

Hi! so how'd you stop doing the feeding every 2 hour thing... we're still doing it!

Glad to hear all is well!

kate said...

Yay sleep! What a beautiful boy Ben is!

Yeah, i did that with Chloe...but some kids are just like that, you know? She is still not a particularly good sleeper...

Catherine said...

Thanks to the magical creation, Bloglines, I'm always checking in. :o)

So happy you figured out the sleep thing. I know sleep makes all the difference in this house.

Rosepetal said...

Oh my goodness - poor you! You must be knackered.

Ben looks fantastic!

MB said...

So glad you're back! What a cute baby you have! So, do you still have a little monster? If no, then please share the secret to fixing that particular problem. I'll beg.

Ann Howell said...

What a cutie! Glad to hear that you are all well :)

Chris, Renae & Annie said...

Been checking in periodically to see if you'd resurfaced. Glad to see your back.

And really, having B's sweet face pop up was worth the click even if you hadn't updated.

Kim said...

Hey there! He's precious! How on earth have eight months already gone by! I can't wait to hear some fun stories...

delphi said...

I'm here. I was a boob-mama, too. Life is good when you break that habit. Ask for specifics (via email?) if you want my method. You probably have more than enough ass-vice, though. Glad to hear from you!

Monica C. said...

Still stopping by, albeit late. What a cutie!!! Yay for six hours!!

Brenda - you can now find me at : said...

We are all still reading! Im sure that did create a little monster. lol
Typical male. Boob every 2 hours and they are happy! lol

I cant believe how different Ben looks from the last pic you posted.


CappyPrincess said...

Of course, still checking in. He's too cute not to check on once in awhile.

Glad to hear that things are going well.

Sherry said...

Glad to see you're back! Ben is a cutie! =)