Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Happy Birthday to Meeeee!!

Yah-hoo, I'm thirty-two!
That's kinda of a dumb age. I can already do everything, except run for president. Or get the reduced movie ticket price.
My step daughter gave me a card this morning that said:
Happy B-Day to you,
you live in a zoo,
You look like a fluterino (?)
and you smell like one too.
Then she drew a picture of a little dog (evidently the "fluterino") with his body made out of a flute. Very silly. A little Italian musical dog, I guess.


Rosepetal said...

oooh Happy Birthday to You.
How old do you have to be to run for president?

Catherine said...

I didn't know it was your birthday!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Welcome to boring ol' 32...

Laura said...

I can already tell that it's going to be boring!

R.P.--I think that you have to be 35 to run for president. So I guess that I have that to look forward to :)

Roxanne said...

Happy B-day! Here's to 32 being much better than 31.

delphi said...

Happy Day! and that is a super cute card!

Clare said...

wishing you a very happy birthady Laura and much better year ahead of you. I'm 37 so I fondly look back at 32 as a very good age. I loved the years 32, 33 & 34. You're still young but you have alot of knowledge and experience and you know what you want in life. & may 32 be very kind on you.

kate said...

Very cute card! Happy Birthday!

Yeah, i agree with Clare. The early 30's are overall an excellent stage of life for a woman. You have come into your own, but you are not 'old'. Of course mine are kind of overshadowed by that dead baby thing, but hey, we're working on that...

Anam Cara said...

Happy belated birthday! Since I am now in the LAST year of my 30's and have the forties to look forward to next, you're still a kid in my book!!