Sunday, December 09, 2007

An embarassingly short update....

Hmmm, I wonder if anyone is stopping by anymore? I certainly don't blame you if you haven't. My blog has become one of those that used to drive me crazy. I'd write more if I didn't spend all my time on the La Leche League message boards. Anyway...

Ben is the bomb!! Especially now that he's sleeping in 5 and 6 hour chunks at night. I was getting to the point that I was crying all day because I was just so exhausted. But he really is a good baby. He eats a lot (which he got from both his parents)...he's up to 11 and a half pounds at 7 weeks. Hooray for boobies!! I wanted to update with a couple of pictures from yesterday's Christmas Parade. Tom wears Ben wherever we's extremely cute. Wow, I love my boys.

Ooops, he's up again and ready to eat. I didn't time this very well. Better post later...I promise!!


niobe said...

They're both adorable.

SWH said...

:) Yeah for chunky babies and boob juice!

Very cute pictures.

Mrs. Collins said...

I love Ben's hat! He is so cute. 11.5 lbs, wow.. he's a chunker.

Aurelia said...

Do what you can hon, and we'll be here to check up. Take care!

Catherine said...

Of course we still stop by. Though I've been sadly disappointed lately bu the lack of baby pictures. I'm so glad to see these. Those are some CUTE boys!

Ruby said...


Kim said...

Oh, look at your boys! They're precious!

Anonymous said...

Good to see things are well!

The Goddess G said...

Awesome pics! Thinking of you guys...

MB said...

I'm still checking in! What cute boys you have!!! Here's a funny... Nat's 11 1/2 weeks and is all of about 10'5"... But, she started at 6'12", so go boobie juice!

Anonymous said...

Oh my!

The cuteness! I love seeing men carry their children so close! 11.5 lbs...whoa!