Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Okay, Okay, Okay. Geez.

I really was working on a good post, but then I got sidetracked when I decided that I just HAD to decorate my house for Easter. Good Christ, I had daffodills coming up but no bunnies in my house. What, what? Yeah, that's a lousy excuse. Anyway, after a really good OB appointment here is my news...

Third Time's the Charm??
It measured today at 8w2d with a heartbeat of 175. I'm sleeping or just gorked out in the recliner all the time, which may account for my lack of posts. Also, last week I puked!! Hooray, I feel like shit! I'm serious, this is good news. Remember last time, I was so freaked because I wasn't sick? Yeah.
I haven't said anything, because I didn't want to jinx myself. This time is really different--it's much scarier now. I had late pregnancy to worry about, and now I'm terrifed of this early part, too. I hold my breath everytime I go to the bathroom. BUT...I had a great appointment this morning and I get to have another ultrasound in two weeks. Hanging on to the positive!!
So there's my news. Ta da!


Catherine said...


Emma's Mum said...

I have been checking many times a day for you to post this!!!!!!!!!
I do know how scared you are, but enjoy the great news! I am on the every other week appt. schedule, but sometimes I cave and have to go every week :) YAY YAY YAY!!!

SWH said...


I've been wondering (after a comment you left at Rosepetals)!

Roxanne said...

A tenuous but thoroughly enthusiastic YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

I thought so!!!! Wishing you a very very very very very dull 9 months of pukiness and a billion good ultrasounds.

Kim said...

I thought so! :) I am very excited for you and am praying for all the very best for you and little one! :) Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! Congratulations! Any pictures of the little bean?? Awesome news. (((hugs)))

MB said...


Someone to puke...I mean, freak out...I mean, commiserate with!

Still have my e-mail?

Ann Howell said...

Hooray! Congrats! >Doin' the happy dance!!!<

Rosepetal said...

I'm so glad you've "come out"! we are at the same stage and I also couldn't handle more than 2 weeks between appts.

I'm so glad that you got good news today. Congrats again :o)

Brenda said...

What wonderful news!

I had a feeling this was going to be your news!!



Julie said...

I knew it!!! I am so thrilled for you!! Keeping you in my thoughts!!

L said...


Jillian said...

Wayhay!! Excellent. All the best and wishing you just the right amount of sickness:)

Catie said...

lurking for a while...just wanted to delurk for such exciting news.

Anam Cara said...

Laura, I am so happy for you!!! I also know how scared you are so just remember - one day at a time. Hell, one hour a time! (((hugs)))

Angela said...

Oh my goodness, congratulations!!! (Delurking.) You have my best wishes for this!

Clare said...

Oh Laura, I am SO SO happy for you.

Kim Tracy Prince said...

OMG I totally got tears in my eyes when I saw that silly bun in the oven cartoon. I'm so excited for you.

My baby is due in 4.5 weeks and I am over being pregnant. But it feels like just yesterday when I googled "faint pink line" and found your site. I'm happy you came into my life.

Ruby said...


msfitzita said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I was hoping this was the secret you were sitting on! :) I'm so happy for you - and I believe the third time WILL be a charm.


Julia said...

I'm so excited for you! Best wishes and keep us posted on how you're doing.

kate said...

YAY!! CONGRATULATIONS! And start talking lol.. said...

Praying praying praying for you and your little bun... Congratulations and best wishes!

Anonymous said...

WOWEEE!!! What have you been up to :) Lets hope third time IS a charm! Wishing you all the best X

Lori said...

Just a lurker wanting to stop and say CONGRATS and many, MANY, prayers will be said for you and your little bun!!!

laura said...

Oh, what wonderful news! Happy being tired all the time-edness!

sillyhummingbird said...

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Wishing you the best of everything!

Sara Kate said...

Delurking to offer big congratulations and YES! YES! YES! Third Time's The Charm!

Anna said...

Lurker in to say CONGRATS!!! I'm so very happy for you!!

L said...

So lady. Get to work. I want to hear from you. You have a great voice here in the blogosphere and i think I speak for all of us when I say. We miss you.
Start blogging, sister.
And congrats again.

AJW5403 said...

Congratulations I wish you nothing but the best.